Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

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« Dátum: 2015. 06. 21. - 19:41:46 » |
Professor Quinton Like more commonly this summer than before, I'm sitting at a table by myself, accompanied by only a lemonade, playing this knife game. True, only with my index finger instead of a knife. Shame on me, right? First time, I only wanted to freak that bi...scuit Sophie out, in hopes of her admitting her cursing of me. Fat chance. She rooted for me to stab my own hand instead. Very obviously. Then I just got curious. This seems an interesting game, needs some dexterity, skill maybe. Of course, I'd like to try it without being bound to mess up, like, by a confusion charm. Is this... No, it's not the same table as then, that was more to the center of the tavern. It is though the same table as where I was sitting originally, before that Dom kid invited me over. Well, that was an interesting day. Is this table a sign? Is this going to be an interesting day too? Then again: Will I get another half-month-long grounding too? I sure hope not. That was bad. So long and boring. Well, the moves are not that difficult now, after some practice. You really just have to get the hang of it, it's not that hard, really. Only my fingertip is getting sore. Not surprising, considering I've been jamming it into the table quite vigorously for quite a while now. Let us say? Let us say it's time to try this game the right way! I reach into my pocket for my folding knife.
Jimmy K. Quinton

Hozzászólások: 173
Jutalmak: +378
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Viselet: Megnézem!
Származás: Aranyvérű
Hajszín : Sötétbarna
Szemszín: Zöld
Kor: 29
Ház: -
Évfolyam: Nem tanuló
Családi állapot: Házas
Kapcsolatban:: 3RLF
Munkahely: Kísérleti Bűbájok Bizottsága | Griffendél Godrik Akadémia
Legjobb barát: Le Lion
Kviddics poszt: Nem játszik
Pálca: 11 hüvelyk, gyertyán pálca, egyszarvúszőr maggal, szinte teljesen merev

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« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2015. 06. 22. - 12:57:39 » |
People might think Mr. Quinton would be just some old man, after reading his article. The truth is, he doesn't seem very different in person from the other young wizards, except for the strange runes on his robe. It's probably safe to say, he is pretty normal. Even if there are no normal wizards and witches in the world. Since his house in London is not yet reconstructed, after the death eaters blasted it to the ground, Jimmy had to book a room in the Leaky Cauldron. Not quite the kind of place he is used to, but he just couldn't stand the atmosphere at his home in Wales anymore. Since he has some business in London, he has decided to stay in this pub a bit longer. It has been three days since his arrival, and he's getting used to this place. The unusual smells, the semidarkness, and the sometimes astonishing strangers, who come here to rent a room, or have a nice beer. It's like a completely different world for him. Since strange noises are accompanying the tavern, Jimmy has decided to take a break from his work. Even if the relic he bought is fake, it's obvious the creator copied the runes from the original one. He comes down the stairs, where he bows to Tom, the owner, and looks around.A few people here, a few there... and a young girl, playing with a folding knife. It's not really something he was expecting to see. Even if there are usually really bizarre people showing here. - Woah... that takes some great skill. – he doesn't even realize what he was saying. It's kinda amazing to watch this young girl doing this thing with the knife and her fingers. Seems dangerous too. Lucky for her, Kipp is not bad in healing magic, even if it's not his speciality. - Aren't you afraid of cutting your fingers off? – it doesn't sounds like a parental warning. He is too amazed for that. Because playing this “game” actually takes some skills.
Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

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« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2015. 06. 22. - 21:08:05 » |
I really just start stabbing the wood around my hand with my knife instead of my finger, just in a casual pace at first, when some guy comes over to my table. Already? Woah, this table must really work just like I figured. "Nah, just some practice." I shrug, jabbing the knife into the table to free my hand. "Now, if I'd do it like this,..." I revert to my index finger to poke around my left hand as fast as I can manage. This way I do hit and skim my left hand fingers though, which would result in some injuries if done with a blade. Well, I guess I can use some practice. "...Now that would take some great skill. Or fingers."
"Fret not, I know what I'm doing." I grin at the guy. "People like to not believe me, but I do know what I'm doing." I tell him my great grievance. "Oh, I'm Merel by the way. And you?" I reach my hand out to shake his. A benefit of having made it unoccupied by my knife. "What are those all over your robe? Some kind of magic runes? Wow, do they give you extra arcane powers?" I rant about half a decent bucket of questions. I'm bouncing with excitement again, am I not? Funny, I based these ideas off of various muggle fantasy games and novels, roughly the common lore those tend to share, but now that I think of it, it may actually be the case. Groovy. Or just some quite nice decoration. Both are equally cool. Nope, if they are also magical runes that do stuff too, it's better, outright awesome.
Jimmy K. Quinton

Hozzászólások: 173
Jutalmak: +378
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Viselet: Megnézem!
Származás: Aranyvérű
Hajszín : Sötétbarna
Szemszín: Zöld
Kor: 29
Ház: -
Évfolyam: Nem tanuló
Családi állapot: Házas
Kapcsolatban:: 3RLF
Munkahely: Kísérleti Bűbájok Bizottsága | Griffendél Godrik Akadémia
Legjobb barát: Le Lion
Kviddics poszt: Nem játszik
Pálca: 11 hüvelyk, gyertyán pálca, egyszarvúszőr maggal, szinte teljesen merev

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« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2015. 06. 23. - 11:00:13 » |
The game she plays seems pretty dangerous, but Jimmy thinks it's still amazing. Even if the girl is a bit slow, he can imagine her in a few years, being the center of the attention with this little trick. These simple pub games have always amazed him. Kipp can still remember his favourite one, that he have learned in Rome a few years ago. It only included a single coin, and with some practice you can fool others to think that the coin has only one side. It might not seem too extraordinary as a wizard, but the thing is, he have seen this trick done by muggles, who don't even know magic exist. It was almost as good as a real “magic trick”. “Yeah, it's definitely dangerous.” he notes, while watching the young girl poking her index finger around her left hand. It's obvious, that if she would have done that with the knife, she wouldn't have any more fingers left. Her finger moves quicklier this time, and she keeps hitting her left hand with it. “Jimmy Quinton. You may call me Jim.” he offers his hand for a handshake. The girl seems to be one of the students in Hogwarts, and it's probably a great opportunity to learn about the school more. Even if he had read Hogwarts: A History (one truly tiresome book, he has to admit), Jimmy doesn't know much about the common days of the school. They didn't talk much about school stuff with the refugee students he had saved. The young girl asks him about the runes on his robe. It's somehow still unusual to see a wizard or a witch with robes on like this, but it was actually common a few centuries ago. Less and less people are seen with runes on their robes. It's out of fashion. It's not a surprising fact that Merel asked him what they are. “Actually, yes. And they do give me extra arcane powers. But I'd like to keep their meaning to be my secret, if you don't mind.” winks at the girl, then sits down next to her. “Are you a student from Hogwarts? Have you learned about rune magic before?”. he has a great idea. Jimmy likes the trick with the knife so much, he has decided to help her with a single cheat. Hopefully Tom won't be furious if he scratches on the table with the folding knife a bit. Considering the state of the furniture in this pub, it's highly unlikely. “May I borrow your knife for a moment? I'd like to try it too.” he hopes she won't think he is some psycho, who borrows knives from young girls to harm them in dusky, desolate pubs. He doesn't intend to do so. He has other things in his mind
Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

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« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2015. 06. 23. - 18:12:43 » |
Yep, it definitely must be the table. Well then, you are my lucky table from now on. I hope you will bring me some good fun every now and then. What a discovery, really. "It's not that bad, really. I mean, sure, I can stab into my hand, and that would hurt and bleed, I get it, but it's just a knife. Not like some butcher's cleaver, now that would easily chop some fingers off, but that's what they make those for. Chopping meat and bone I mean, not necessarily fingers. But she's not that big, just a three-or-so-inch blade, not that awful." I end up giving a smaller speech on chopping off fingers. Yay, congratulations, Merel, you just freaked out yet another person. Well, I hope I didn't, but there's a chance. Also, referring to my knife as a "she" might confuse Jim, but whatever.
"Really? And what kind? Or I guess that's the secret in it. Right." Thing is, this way I just get all the more curious about what those runes do. Well, tough luck. "Yeah," I nod. "Nope, we didn't have such classes. Oh, it's one of those elective classes, right? I'm starting my third year now, but I didn't pick Ancient Runes class. Is it fun? You know that stuff, right? With all those runes on you. What's it about? The subject I mean." I release my trademark barrage of questions upon Jim. Then I let him finally take a breath. I remove the knife from the table, and hand her to Jim, handle first. Though the blade did leave a decent nick in the wood, judging by the state of the table, it didn't mind much. Or even welcomed the experience. "But don't dull out her edge." I add.
Jimmy K. Quinton

Hozzászólások: 173
Jutalmak: +378
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Viselet: Megnézem!
Származás: Aranyvérű
Hajszín : Sötétbarna
Szemszín: Zöld
Kor: 29
Ház: -
Évfolyam: Nem tanuló
Családi állapot: Házas
Kapcsolatban:: 3RLF
Munkahely: Kísérleti Bűbájok Bizottsága | Griffendél Godrik Akadémia
Legjobb barát: Le Lion
Kviddics poszt: Nem játszik
Pálca: 11 hüvelyk, gyertyán pálca, egyszarvúszőr maggal, szinte teljesen merev

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« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2015. 06. 24. - 16:45:21 » |
Thoughs like “why does a young girl have a knife with her, and why is she playing games like this” do not even cross his mind. In fact, he looks around to see if anybody watches them. It would be unpleasant to make others think of him as some psycho. The other guests don't care much about them, fortunately. Some kobolds are mumbling with a middle-aged wizard, and three witches are playing a card game at another table. Even Tom does not pay attention to them, since he is talking to a man wearing a cape, so they couldn't detect his (or her) face. “I guess you are a third year student, right?” he asks her. Even if Jimmy has never been to Hogwarts before, he knows a little something about the classes, and which year they usually take them, but it's still not enough. He is more interested in what school life is. He has never been to any schools, but he had seen some muggle high schools, and the University in Oxford. “Let's say, ancient runes are my speciality. It's great for a lot of things. For example, you can combine it with other magics, or just write your own... Like this.” He scratches some symbols on the table, and tries to be as precise as he can. Jimmy is not used to knives, not even in the kitchen. Zonky, the house elf always does it for him. It takes some time, but he finally finishes it. The brink of the table is now decorated with anglo-saxon runes, which is Kipp's favourite. It doesn't seem so, but now this table is designed to play Merel's game, and it's perfectly safe. The same table, yet it's impossible to cut your fingers off now. Well, Jimmy hopes so. It's time to try it. He puts his left hand to the table, and tries to touch his thumb with the knife to test the table. Somehow, the knife slips a bit away, and hits the table. He just couldn't touch his finger. Then, since he thinks the table is safe, Jim starts to play this game, faster and faster, just like Merel, while practicing with her index finger. It doesn't matter how good and dexterous he is, it's basically not possible to harm yourself at this table. “I'm sorry, I have actually cheated. Do you want to try? Don't worry, it's safe.” Jim hands back her folding knife, he has no use for it now. “It's basically a simple charm by runes. It was commonly used for amuletts some decades ago. It kept you away from the simplest physical harms, but it has no use against magic, or enchanted weapons.” Jimmy explains the thing he did for Merel. Since she has never studied runes before, and probably has only seen them on the portraits from Azkaban, he thought she needs an explanation. He still tried to keep it as simple as possible to not confuse her.
Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

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« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2015. 06. 25. - 00:05:31 » |
"Yeah, third. Gonna be in September I mean." I confirm, though I believe I also told him just right now. "Wow, really?" I listen and watch in amazement as Jim explains the use of runes then carves a row of them into the table. "And this really works like this? And this is what we learn in Ancient Runes class? Sounds way more interesting this way. It's a pity I didn't pick it too then, if it's this fun. Or do you think I could still pick that class too?" There we go again, I'm getting fired up, barraging him with questions and not even taking a break between two.
My amazement exceeds expectations, seeing Jim perform the knife game with my practicing speed and an intact hand. I just really have to try this. "Well, on the one hand, this just takes away the very point of the game, the risk and need for skill..." I say after experiencing my new inability to harm my hand with the knife game. After a while, I start trying and failing to actually hit my fingers, I keep right just missing them. Ok, let's test this for real now. I put the knife right to the middle of my hand. Were I to push down now, I can't really imagine that I could still fail hurting myself, but that's not my plan either. I'm just taking aim. Then I raise my knife a foot or so, maybe a few inches more, into the air, then slam down. I go for the middle of my hand. Te blade eventually stops a quarter inch deep in the wood of the table. This would mean the gruesome, total impalement of my pretty little hand, with half the blade through my flesh. That is, were it not the fact that my knife is lodged in the wood about half an inch away from my undamaged body part in question. And I actually tried to stab myself. True, I did hope for this result, but still. That's impressive. "Groovy." I grin so wide it's uncommon from even me. I have to move my knife to and fro a bit to remove it from the table. "On the other hand, it's perfect for a scam. You just have to bet with someone unsuspecting on whether you will cut yourself..." I look at Jim schemingly. Not that I plan on doing thusly, but who knows this might come in handy someday. "So this is what runes can do? Awesome! When would we learn this stuff?"
Jimmy K. Quinton

Hozzászólások: 173
Jutalmak: +378
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Viselet: Megnézem!
Származás: Aranyvérű
Hajszín : Sötétbarna
Szemszín: Zöld
Kor: 29
Ház: -
Évfolyam: Nem tanuló
Családi állapot: Házas
Kapcsolatban:: 3RLF
Munkahely: Kísérleti Bűbájok Bizottsága | Griffendél Godrik Akadémia
Legjobb barát: Le Lion
Kviddics poszt: Nem játszik
Pálca: 11 hüvelyk, gyertyán pálca, egyszarvúszőr maggal, szinte teljesen merev

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« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2015. 06. 26. - 17:56:44 » |
Just looking at Merel's hand and watching the game is amazing. Even if Jim knows the real circumstances, the game still seems dangerous. For example, by scratching over the runes – since he did not enchanted it the way he usually does – you can easily corrupt the magic itself. But for now, it's safe to do the game here. It's amusing to watch her trying to hurt her hand on purpose, but still failing to do so. “I bet the teacher would be happy to take you in.” he smirks at the girl. Somehow he just can't bring himself to tell her the truth. It's better to get to know if he will be a good teacher this way. If Merel knew Jimmy is the teacher, she might react to the runes otherwise. Just because he is the teacher, wether it's a good thing or not. “Just be careful to take a test. If the carving is damaged, it might not work. But of course, if you enchant the table more, you can avoid it, but it takes a lot more time.” It's kind of similar to teaching. No big deal. He loves talking about runes, and all kind of scientific subjects. Even though he is bad at small talks, and simple conversations. That's boring and lame. Nobody likes to talk about the weather. Except if you are a fortune teller. But even then, you don't speak about the weather. “Less and less people are doing rune magic, however, it is as good as wand magic. In fact, if you combine the two forms, you can do just anything you are capable to. In old times, people didn't have wands, so they used rune magic. It's not the wand that makes the wizard. Or the witch.” It's actually sad how underrated rune magic is. Ever since wands were invented, less people were practicing with runes. The wands are faster, but the runes are safer. You never miss with runes. “First, you have to learn the symbols itself, but it's not that difficult. After that, the fun parts begin.” Jimmy answers her questions, then looks toward Tom. He hasn't eaten much today, but now he got hungry. Kipp was also trying to be careful not to tell much about the subject, and how he wishes to teach it. He is still working on the scheme, and he still needs to speak with the herbology teacher for a favor. “Do you mind if I eat my lunch here? I have to take a break from my work. It's also a great knife. You should take care of it.” If Merel says it's ok, he orders his lunch from Tom. Not the greatest place to eat. Kipp hopes theere are no cockroaches in the kitchen at all.
Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

Nem elérhető
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2015. 06. 28. - 19:07:06 » |
After Jim's explanation I just put my knife down on the table instead of sticking it into the wood, not to accidentally mess up his runes, even though I play the game more inwards on the table and the writing is along the edge. Better safe than sorry. So I should take a test first, before what exactly? You mean using this table for such a scam? I mean I just didn't expect Jim to so casually give tips actually on how to ensure successfully cheating people out of their money with a scam. So he's not the oh so responsible boring adult type. Awesome. "You really just gave me advice on how to scam? You naughty boy." I smile mischievously. Ok, this last sentence in this tone turned out a bit more suggestively than it should have. As if I was trying to seduce? Eww, banish even the thought! He still is one, if he thusly supports underage gambling though. Not that I have any problem with that.
"But why? Runes look so awesome just by themselves in the first place. Not to mention if they are useful too. Well, their loss, really." Then again, people don't always make sense. "The way you tell it, it sounds such a fun subject. Do you happen to know who teaches it? It would be a shame if it was some boring old sod, giving dry classes." I wonder. Who wants to sit through boring lessons, like, ever? I sure don't. History of Magic is boring enough already, even I fall asleep on those sometimes. Me, Merel Everfen, the walking, talking power plant. Now that is something. I don't need another such class, thank you. "Nah, not a problem. It's an inn after all, sort of." Guess he asked more out of formality. Why would I mind? "Thanks. You bet she is" I smile proudly. "Don't worry, I will." I so will. Oh, by the way, I'll need a whetting stone for her.
Jimmy K. Quinton

Hozzászólások: 173
Jutalmak: +378
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Viselet: Megnézem!
Származás: Aranyvérű
Hajszín : Sötétbarna
Szemszín: Zöld
Kor: 29
Ház: -
Évfolyam: Nem tanuló
Családi állapot: Házas
Kapcsolatban:: 3RLF
Munkahely: Kísérleti Bűbájok Bizottsága | Griffendél Godrik Akadémia
Legjobb barát: Le Lion
Kviddics poszt: Nem játszik
Pálca: 11 hüvelyk, gyertyán pálca, egyszarvúszőr maggal, szinte teljesen merev

Nem elérhető
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2015. 07. 01. - 12:32:22 » |
It's not advised to make a charm like this without properly enchanting the item itself, but for now, it should be safe. It takes a bit more time, and also resources Kipp doesn't have with himself at the moment. ”Well...” The last sentence Merel said is kinda awkward, especially, because a thirteen years old girl said that. So Jimmy decides to ignore it. He's sure she didn't mean it in a strange way. The thought is also more, than disgusting. Merel is way more younger, than him, and she is probably going to be his apprentice. Kipp has heard stories about pupils and teachers hooking up with each other in Rome, and ever since that time, he is still sure about, that he is not that kind of a guy. So, keep ignoring awkard sentences. Jim tries to act normal, as nothing unusual has happened. ”A scientist can't keep himself from experiments. Especially, if they are dangerous. For example, I have heard a legend about an assassin, who dealt with his clients with runes. He killed them, but the trick is, nobody remembered the victim. Nobody knew they have ever existed. He just deleted their existence with complex rune magic. At least, the legend says so. There is no proof it's possible.” Tom arrives with a plate, and some food on it. The usual british breakfast stuff, nothing extraordinary. It's not possible to work with so much noise in the inn, and with an empty stomach, after all. ”Boring old sod? Do you call every aged teachers like that in Hogwarts?” He raises his left eyebrow, then starts eating his breakfast. It was already time to eat some. Jimmy doesn't really understand the definition of boring teachers, since he has only had two of them in his lifetime. It was rather the class itself that mattered. The more simple a class was, the more boring, and the more complex things he had to learn, the more excited he got. That's the curse of being the son of two boring, old sods. ”I actually do know him. And you know him too. You are sitting at the same table, as him. Well, Jimmy has just ruined all the fun. But he couldn't keep it to himself after Merel's question. Hopefully, she won't be pissed at him.
Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

Nem elérhető
« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2015. 07. 04. - 12:06:31 » |
His awkward, weirded out look is just priceless. And that's about how long I can resist bursting into laughter too. Totally worth it. "You should have seen your face." I manage to eventually say, still giggling. "Okay... Just joking... Sorry... I'm done now." I'm done my backside, I'm still struggling to not laugh. A snicker or two escapes between each sentence. I take some time to calm down. Still worth it.
The legend Jim tells me also helps calming down, mainly by replacing my grin with awe as I listen to the story. I love listening to stories. Like this kind here, myths and legends of old. Or new, for that matter, really. "Ah, bummer. I would know some folks who would deserve that." You know, I'm thinking about you, you jealous bi...scuit! ...Nah, she's not even here, she can't possibly know. And if she were here, the whole place would know by now. We have unsettled business. But I stray from the topic. "It could have been a memory charm. That exists, right? Maybe he just erased them from peoples' memories, not from existence." I muse. Such stories do exaggerate details like that. That makes the stories all the more awesome of course.
"Not all teachers. Just the ones that really are boring old sods. It's not that bad in Hogwarts, really. There is Binns, but he's been like that since, like, forever. Everyone knows that. McGonagall is old too, for instance, but she's a badass. She kicks ass big time. Have you seen her?" Look, who's just got a new admirer. Not that she didn't earn it. "Now in my muggle school. The one before I went to Hogwarts. Now there, half the teachers were boring old sods. Save for the PE teacher, he was like some drill sergeant. Hows that? We were ten-year-old kids, not soldiers." I force myself to stop when I realize I'm ranting bucketfuls of words again. Poor Jim barely gets a chance to even draw breath.
"Really?" I grin "Could you ask him to add me to his roster? Please? It's not a problem it's a late entry, right?" And there goes my other trademark, the flood of questions. Now with puppy eyes. Yes, it's obviously Jim we're talking about, but I didn't start addressing him in third person, that was him. So third person it is. Who cares only the two of us sits at the table? Just details.
Jimmy K. Quinton

Hozzászólások: 173
Jutalmak: +378
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Viselet: Megnézem!
Származás: Aranyvérű
Hajszín : Sötétbarna
Szemszín: Zöld
Kor: 29
Ház: -
Évfolyam: Nem tanuló
Családi állapot: Házas
Kapcsolatban:: 3RLF
Munkahely: Kísérleti Bűbájok Bizottsága | Griffendél Godrik Akadémia
Legjobb barát: Le Lion
Kviddics poszt: Nem játszik
Pálca: 11 hüvelyk, gyertyán pálca, egyszarvúszőr maggal, szinte teljesen merev

Nem elérhető
« Válasz #11 Dátum: 2015. 07. 11. - 08:45:08 » |
What's wrong with his face? Is there something strange to it? Jimmy hides his elephant ears behind his hair nervously. It literally takes him seconds to recognize what Merel was giggling about, and that does not have to do anything about his appearance. Then Kipp smiles too, awkwardly. The legend he told the girl is one of his favourites. He wrote a book about similar stories, and how people were using runes in old times, because this is his favourite topic. It explains a lot about the past, and how people were just getting better and better at controlling magic. People nowadays take it granted to have a wand in their pockets, and that you can just learn spells you like from books. Just like the muggles, and their electircity thing. ”A memory charm, yes. That is a well liked assumption. But it would take too much time and effort to erase one's existence from every people's memory. Especially, if the target is famous. That's the most mysterious in this legend. Nobody knows exactly how is this possible – if the legend is true, if I may say so.” He adds a comment to Merel's idea. It's the most commonly suspected method, that the assassin erased the memories of the people who knew him. ”But even if the assassin found a way to collectively erase memories, it still doesn't explain why there are no physical evidences of the targets' existence. No records, no paintings, not even bodies remained. Except for those parchments the assassin kept with himself. Well, that's what the legend says.” Kipp finishes his breakfast, and pours some water in his glass. Merel is a truly smart student, he will be happy to take her in to the classes. Kipp nods to the question if he has met with McGonagall before, but it's difficult to imagine her kicking asses. Does she takes karate courses? That's the martial art where people kick each other, right? At least it's a relief to know that not everybody reads the Daily Prophet. It's still a wonder how Miss Skeeter could know about his meeting with the new headmaster of Hogwarts. ”Consider it done. I'll be happy to welcome you in my class. May I ask what your full name is?” Jimmy takes a piece of parachment and a self-inking quill out from his pocket to write down Merel's name. It's going to be easier to identify her, and add her to his class. ”I have heard about muggle PE classes before. Is that the one where the kids throw balls to each other? I think I saw something similar at a park.” Meanwhile Tom arrives to take the empty plates.
Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

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« Válasz #12 Dátum: 2015. 07. 12. - 20:15:49 » |
"Well, he could have been just very thorough. He could have had some Bag of Holding..." And my mind races on with ideas. I do have to re-word it, Jim likely doesn't know such expressions, he seems to be a bit awkward with more basic things in the first place. "I mean one with charms so it's bigger on the inside, you can lift it regardless of weight, things like that. He just packs the dead bloke, everything that connects to him, like papers, paintings, does some thorough search for them. Then goes home, he has some magically sealed chamber, like, in the basement, dumps all stuff in there, summons a Fiendfyre on them, then seals the chamber, so the fire won't get out." I elaborate my masterful plan of how it could have been, almost literally bouncing on my seat. "That and the memory charm, and it's all done fine. It's one possibility, admit it." Ok, I may have been a bit overzealous with this.
"Wow, thanks! That's so nice of you." I say, smiling... well, thankfully. Go figure. "It's Merel, Everfen. As in, a type of wetland that doesn't end sometime." Whoever came up with that name, really? I give him some time to write it down, but then I must add: "I guess I can't call you just Jim then." I observe. You don't just call your teachers their first name, that's just not the way. Professor Jim? How does that sound? "Among other things, yes. Or things like running and such athletics, now those are worse. Imagine it being forced on you."
Jimmy K. Quinton

Hozzászólások: 173
Jutalmak: +378
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Viselet: Megnézem!
Származás: Aranyvérű
Hajszín : Sötétbarna
Szemszín: Zöld
Kor: 29
Ház: -
Évfolyam: Nem tanuló
Családi állapot: Házas
Kapcsolatban:: 3RLF
Munkahely: Kísérleti Bűbájok Bizottsága | Griffendél Godrik Akadémia
Legjobb barát: Le Lion
Kviddics poszt: Nem játszik
Pálca: 11 hüvelyk, gyertyán pálca, egyszarvúszőr maggal, szinte teljesen merev

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« Válasz #13 Dátum: 2015. 07. 27. - 18:32:58 » |
The most important in doing rune magic is creativity. Being good in rune magic does not mean that you have to possess infinite power, but using your imagination and resources right. It's still not easy, one has to improve its imagination, because even if people tend to believe, it has no limits, it actually does have. For example, trying to visualize a thousand piece of anything is impossible, but even a hundred of the same things. Try to imagine as many of a specified, simple object, and count them. One can easily find out how limited its imagination and creativity is. “Bigger on the inside, yes. I think it can be done.” He praises Merel's idea about the method. It's still unusual in magic world to store non-metaphysical things, like charms, or memories. Some stuffs are common things nowadays, for example, pensieves, but for most of the time, wizards and witches use magic for their own comfort. It's no wonder, casting undetectable extension charm to store non-material things is something we probably haven't heard of. “Well... you are probably going to call me Professor Quinton. But as for now, I am not your teacher. I hope you're not angry, because I didn't tell you the truth.” He folds the piece of parachment with the girl's name on it, and puts it in his pouch, so he won't lose it. The small bag is also decorated with runes, to defend it from pity thieves. “Running and athletics? Why do muggles teach that? Is Olympics such a convention of great importance for them?” he asks. Jimmy has never studied about muggles, but knows the most important things. They have electronic devices to replace magic, and they don't believe in witches and wizards. That's actually all the difference between wizards and muggles. They both had their own history, similar wars, and similar society. They are both humans, after all. But as for specific things, such as why muggles have cruel PR classes, Kipp's knowledge is incomplete. As far as he knows, forcing students to fly is forbidden even in Hogwarts. Or maybe he does not know it right. The thing is, he never had to ride a broomstick. It's too risky, and he has never been that cool guy, who knows a lot of other cool people, curses, and plays quidditch brillantly. But he knows his way in science, philosophy and sociology, and that's fine for him.
Merel Everfen

A Vérborz
►Moment reaper◄
Hozzászólások: 579
Jutalmak: +1422
Előtörténet: Megnézem!
Kincsesláda: Megnézem!
Kapcsolatok: Megnézem!
Származás: Félvér
Hajszín : Barna
Szemszín: Barna
Kor: 19
Ház: Hugrabug
Évfolyam: Kijárta
Családi állapot: Egyedülálló
Kedvenc tanár: Ailish "Tanci" Everdean, Minerva McGalagony
Kviddics poszt: Terelő
Pálca: Tiszafa, sárkányszívizomhúr, 11 hüvelyk

Nem elérhető
« Válasz #14 Dátum: 2015. 08. 13. - 20:41:48 » |
"Well, they do that with bags and tents that I know, I've seen some being sold here." I poke in the general direction of Diagon Aley with my thumb. "So the assassin could have had something like that too, easily." There we go, we go on like this for a while more, and we might as well unravel the whole mystery, uncover the secret of the assassin guy here. Over a plate of breakfast, no less.
"Seems correct, professor Jim." I grin playfully. Man, I have a vast array of various grins for bucketloads of situations... "You mean I have a reason to?" I didn't notice so, but if he insists... "Very well then!" I mock-exclaim, turning away with arms folded, and the best upset face I can manage without ruining it by some giggles breaking through my act. Of course I soon turn back soon as cheerful as usual, lest Jim thinks he really did offend me, like what he fears. But the situation so asked for it, who am I to not comply?
"Not as much, football is the popular sport, not athletics. As like quidditch is for wizards." I share my knowledge of muggle life with him. "Well, it does stand for Physical Education, so the point may be that we move and exercise, but come on. We are ten-year-olds, can't they have us, like, play something? We're not soldiers in boot camp. Well, unless it's Mr. Quarithc you ask, it seems." I fume a bit more about my used-to-be-teacher. Really, just add some scars covering half his face, and he would be the perfect military bad guy for some movie.