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Szerző Téma: Superman és egyéb hősök...  (Megtekintve 5117 alkalommal)

Louise Lott
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♦ VII. Hollóhát ♦ Prefektus ♦ "Cinkemadár"

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« Válasz #15 Dátum: 2015. 10. 04. - 10:55:14 »

Clarice Edevane

The conversation starts to get interesting. Clarice is someone worth spending time with. Only there’s something about her what I can’t put my fingers on. She dresses like a boy she talks like all those boyish girls but she’s not nearly as confident as those girls usually are. She’s more thoughtful and quiet.
„I know Superman, but I did not like it” she says. „I don't think a superhuman can be a good protector. I also don't like his suit. But your dad must be cool, anyway.”
“He is. Though, I still share your opinion. Fine he can lift up a car and trough it. I can do the same with much less effort.” I start to pull the comic in front of me. It really is cool. “And the suit, yeah that gives me nightmares. Always those tight things. No one’s that perfect to wear them rightfully. Let’s just say that they’re wrong in many many ways.”
Superhuman. Well I don’t think anything humanly can bring the world peace or can protect it. Humans’re controlled by their emotions. There’d always be something wrong with relying on something as fragile as a human. Just look at our recent history. Everyone and everything was depending on Potter and when we thought he died it was blown up in our faces. We thought we lost hope the war and our future. It’s got a nice end but still, to me it’s shown that I shouldn’t put my life in other people’s hands.
Clarice pulls me out of my afterthought as she starts to explain the comic.
„It's made by two wizards. One of them is writing the script, the other one is drawing the illustrations. It's about a group of smugglers, who also save lives. In the future” she’s very enthusiastic so I pay attention. It’s a nicely drawn book. I can’t exactly put my mind on the story before she’s talking again. „What about you? Do you have anything you like to do in your freetime?” she asks and it’s a strangely confusing question. Since the war I mostly just think. Before I’d say I like painting my nails and talking about boys but never reading. Not that. Thought that was what I did even then.
“Well, I read” I tell her with a sigh. “I like reading up on muggle science like physics or chemistry. I guess that’s what I do in my freetime.”


Clarice Edevane
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VI. ※ Prefektus ※ A ℳardekár fogója

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« Válasz #16 Dátum: 2015. 12. 10. - 11:32:57 »

Louise Lott

"With much less effort? " I mumble it to myself, just so I can realize a second later how stupid I am. Of course, it's magic... I still remember when I first met with Raquel, on the Hogwarts Express, and how easy it was to her to levitate our packages to the shelves above the seats. Even if I turn seventeen this autumn, I think I am still not going to be able to do simple tasks with magic. I'm kinda used to do house chores by the muggles' way, but it still is an uncomfortable topic to talk about.
"Yeah, that's cool. " I say, looking down at my own, weird-looking hands. It suddenly gets more appealing to talk more about Superman's horrible suit.

I ask her about her hobbies, because I have already talked too much about myself. I'm not really good at small talks actually, but I'm trying to be nice with her. She is actually a cool girl to hang out with. No wonder why she is friends with my brother. But I do not think we would ever talk if we had met in Hogwarts.
"Muggle sciences?" Yeah, typical Ravenclaw. Not that there isn't enough to learn in Hogwarts. I sometimes wonder if it was worth choosing so many classes. I wish I could stop going to some main classes I have no use for. I have always hated transfiguration, it's always a nightmare when I have to cast a spell there. My transfiguration exams are going to be horrible, I'm pretty sure about it. How great it would be if the exams were already over...
"Oh, I have read about some of them. Is it true that muggles created nuclear bugs, that can transform humans into superb beings? And those huge, mechanical, electric suits? I think I have seen one before, while playing quidditch. It was flying. I don't know, it seemed different than the ones in muggle comics." I ask. If I have ever attended muggle studies, I would have not said such stupid things. But I have no idea what muggle sciences are about. Yeah, it's true, that I live in a building where muggles live too. Im fact, I actually like my neighbours, they are nice people. But how should I know what chemistry is all about? Isn't it that thing about the green, radioactive liquid?

Louise Lott
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♦ VII. Hollóhát ♦ Prefektus ♦ "Cinkemadár"

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« Válasz #17 Dátum: 2016. 02. 01. - 21:35:45 »

Clarice Edevane

 She asks questions which shouldn’t surprise me in a get to know each other talk and I still kinda struggle. I put down the magazine and look out of the window to get a moment to myself while checking out the crowd. The afternoon flow was starting to gather. It was really strange to get to know myself in this new setting. Even stranger to let other people get to know me just like this.
 Clarice’s voice gets to me and I focus back my attention to her as she gives me her ideas about muggle science.
"Oh, I have read about some of them. Is it true that muggles created nuclear bugs that can transform humans into superb beings? And those huge, mechanical, electric suits? I think I have seen one before, while playing quidditch. It was flying. I don't know it seemed different than the ones in muggle comics." When she stops speaking I can’t help myself and a little chuckle escapes. I mean Dear God. Though, I still have to give her some credit for aeroplanes.
“Sorry” I say after finally shutting up. I honestly don’t want to hurt her. “Well I can tell you that muggles’d love those things to come to life but no. That’s rather science fiction or just plain fiction. They are philosophising about nuclear energy but while they can use it to a certain level they sure as hell can’t develop nuclear bugs.” I try to smile at her to soften the blow but I cannot help it. “Also what you saw must have been an airplane which muggles use to fly instead of brooms. They are quite fascinating I think. They tried to remodel the way a bird fly only with using an iron machine which weighs more than a thousand birds.” Well now I am way ahead of myself so I try to get back to the previous topic about my hobbies and me liking science in general. “I’d like to rather go into medicine than engineering. Though, I’d have to seriously catch up on chemistry if I really want to consider it.”
After stating that, I go back to looking up the comic which is nice by the way.
“So how are studying to your OWLs going?” I ask just to keep up the conversation though I don’t mind knowing it as an indicator to what I get myself into by volunteering to tutor Cael after school.


Clarice Edevane
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VI. ※ Prefektus ※ A ℳardekár fogója

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« Válasz #18 Dátum: 2016. 03. 20. - 11:05:11 »

Louise Lott

Well, about the nuclear bugs and the mechanic suits… They are everything I have learned about muggles in muggle comics. It’s written by muggles, so it’s got to be true. No wonder that I suddenly get insecure when Louise chuckles. I blush a bit after I realize that I probably have said something totally lame. Shame on me… but well, whatever. Even thought I live in a flat where muggles live too, I still don’t get them. They are so complicated. I know some of their machines, Cael even has a television, but sometimes I’m just not sure what muggle fiction and reality is. I remember how happy I was when I thought I have seen a flying mecha suit above me. Aaaaand now I feel stupid. Great.
“Yeah, it’s fascinating.” I say, while trying to paint a smile on my face. It’s easy to laugh on your own mistakes. Also, nothing is more appropiate to accept gracefully your shame.
“So, you’re considering to learn at the Mandragora’s, I assume. My friends advice it to me too, but it’s not something I’m interested in.” I reply. It’s actually quite annoying that people think I want to be a healer. Only because I am sick. I have been at St. Mungo’s just enough for my whole life, I don’t want to work there.
“Well, I’m actually really afraid of the exams. Especially because I have a rare condition.” I show her my left hand and I move my fingers backwards to their natural position. I don’t think she is the type who would make fun of it. But really, it’s not a big.deal.
“Cael might have told you about it. I do have serious problems with using a wand, and it’s not because I don’t know how to grab it. Phantom syndrome, in case you may have heard about it.” I continue, and show her what I can do with my hand. It’s handy when I catch a golden snitch, but not for anything else.

Louise Lott
Eltávozott karakter

♦ VII. Hollóhát ♦ Prefektus ♦ "Cinkemadár"

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« Válasz #19 Dátum: 2016. 05. 30. - 17:29:47 »

Clarice Edevane


 As I continue to babble about science I can see that I’ve successfully embraced Clarice even thought it was not my intention. It must be a bad habit I haven’t realized yet. Or at least in this environment. There were very few people in the wizarding world who wanted to know anything about Muggle science and even less who already knew something. Actually, I ‘d have known that I’d get into it way too much as I tended to do it while on Science camp during my previous summers.
I think she knows I wasn’t trying to embarrass her, but I’m still glad for the change in topic.
“I’m considering to go there but I don’t know. I’m thinking about getting a Muggle degree first, but I’d have to sit a lot of exams to get into a Muggle University even though I’d really like to learn about these things more. It’s perverted, but I always thought that the gap between the Muggle and wizarding science is something that still needs a mending. So I’m thinking about mapping out that area. What about you? I know that Cael wants to be a professional Quidditch player.” I ask because I’m curious. Somehow this kind of talk always avoided me. With Owen, with Jamie, basically everyone who I’m in close contact with. I remember telling Cael that I want to work in the Ministry but since the war I wouldn’t even put my feet into that building or area if it’s not absolutely neccessary. Plus, I think I can do more as a researcher than as the ninth nobody in the International Cooperation Department.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before.” I think that my mouth’s probably still hanging open as I watch what she can do with her hands. Gosh. As of my sudden realization to go into research I know that I’d probably be fine with the same symptoms but I don’t know how she manages the school. I just hope they take it into consideration when making her sit her exams. “Do you have to take every exam?” I ask as a first thing because that’d be very unfair. “I’ve already told Cael that I’d tutor him in a few classes next year so if you need some help with something you can also come and find me. From most classes I’m good enough to tutor someone else.” Well, it wouldn’t be much trouble to help Clairice as well and I was still in Cael’s debt for getting me out of a Cruciatus last year.

Clarice Edevane
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VI. ※ Prefektus ※ A ℳardekár fogója

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« Válasz #20 Dátum: 2016. 06. 04. - 11:11:05 »

Louise Lott

I play with my fingers, making it seem like some sort of alien abomination. The best part of it is that I feel no pain at all on my hands. Surely, I can feel the pain given from cold or heat, but that's all. I don't even recognize whenever I break a bone or two. Sadly, it only occurs to my hands, and not my other body parts.
"Yeah, I know." I say while placing my hand on the table, with wide open fingers. "I've got the most useless superpower, but nobody else can mimic me." I continue, and lift my ring finger while all of my other ones are still on the table. Other persons cannot do it after me without moving at least one of their other fingers. I know it's no big deal, but I still like to shock people. Some are fascinated by these tricks, and others are terrified.
"Of course I have to." I answer, and take my hand away from the table. Mom really dislikes it when I do this. I understand that she is just concerned about my safety, but I don't think pretending to be completely normal and healthy is going to help me in any way.
"I have no illusions though... Even if I succeed on the exams where I have to use my wand, I won't learn them next year. That means less chance to get into Uni." I look down on my hands, which look completely normal to me. No bones broke at least, which actually happens quiete often.
"People with my condition doesn't have much chance, you know. Almost every programme requires you to get N.E.W.T.'s in certain subjects... Like transfiguration. It's so lame." I say with a strange, acquiescented tone in my voice. I already have accepted that there are certain things I will never be capable of.
"Mom wants me to take over her company. She brews cosmetics, and has her own shop in Aberdeen. But I don't care much about perfumes and girly stuffs. I don't even know how to put lipsticks on. But I won't have much choice if I can't succeed as a quidditch player." I finish the last piece of my chocolate cake, which is my all time favourite. A pro player needs much energy. The cake was great too, so no regrets. I also give no cares about my shape and weight.
"I don't think tutoring helps me out, but thanks. I've already borrowed my brother's cat for... Practice only. What are siblings for?" I roll my eyes thinking about the last time I tried to charm that cat. Zordon isn't the best helper, he always try to run away. Or bites me... Whatever. I still remember when Cael choose that monster kittie as his new pet, thinking that he will change and becomes nice and cuddly after all the love he gets. Well, he was wrong.
"What are muggle degrees good for? I don't think they accept N.E.W.T.'s, do they? Yeah, it actually seems perverted... But you know what? It's great. If you choose the muggle University of Aberdeen, we'll be glad to see you as our guest with Cael." I grin. I don't know how muggle unis are working, in fact, some of my classmates don't even know how muggles survive without magic. Whatever. Mending the two world's science still seems great. I wonder how Cael got a friend like Louise... She.doesn't look the type whom my brother would be friend with.

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