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Szerző Téma: Attending our very first concert  (Megtekintve 120 alkalommal)

Elfelda Hall

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« Dátum: 2025. 01. 24. - 22:47:54 »

Attending our very first concert



to: Ada & Nat

I haven't seen Ada since more than a year. At first, I travelled to Sudan, then I got home and I had to focus on Iris...But even though we didn't meet we kept in touch in letters. Of course Nat has a busy life too, so it took some time to find a date which is good for both of us.
But when we finally did it, I was over the moon. I counted the days back to the 27th of December... A beautiful date to meet my god daughter. To be honest, I never got the god mother title  officially, but I've always thought of her like my god daughter. I've loved her more than all of my friends, and I've felt her to be part of my family, even though she never met my sister or my mother during the years. It's such a long time since Mariel was gone, but I always had her in my heart. It was natural for me that I kept the relationship on with Ada after her mother's death, and be there for her in every way I could be.
What concerns Nat... It was a normal, friendly relationship between us in the late years. This was not always the case however... there were times, after our break up, when I didn't feel well in his presence. It was such a strong bittersweet feeling that I hated to feel... to be honest, this feeling was the main reason why I always hated to break up with my exes. This was not different with Nat either, but I fought against it in order to be by Ada's side anyway. I could wonder how did Nat feel in my presence meanwhile? I never knew the answer, and I never searched for it. What has passed, has passed for good. That was a hell of a relationship anyway. Like all of mine... to be true.
I sighed at the thought, while I was walking into the Royal Albert Hall, where we planned to meet each other. I was searching them with my eyes, but I didn't catch them at first, so I stepped to the cloakroom and gave in my coat. I turned around and then my heart melt in a sec... I saw her, in her beutiful dress, with that light smile and deep look in her eyes that I always admired. She was such a warm, wise, charming person since her very existence, that I couldn't understand how someone can be that magical. But if I thought about Mariel's personality, then it was an obvious,, even logic blessing by faith.
- Hi there - said I to them, then I gave a big hug to Ada. One of the 3 favourite people in my life.
- You both look great! Is everything ok? How is the holiday so far? - asked I curiously. I was very enthusiastic about this evening. I waited a long time to make it happen, and I hoped that Ada will love it, since it was my christmas present to her and to her stepdad of course.
- Are you ready for this magic?
If they were ready, I put my arm around her shoulder, and I walked into the concert hall by their side. I've knewn Péter Bence for some time and I was a big fan of him. He made such tricks while playing, that I never saw at any other piano player. I hoped that it will be a lifetime experiance for Ada... she deserved it so much. Oh even more that.
We found our seats, very close to the stage. I was lucky enough to buy the tickets in time, so we got place in the third line. The waiting became more and more exciting... I could feel how the air became heavier with every minute, during waiting. After he stepped on the stage, and that heaviness disappeared and turned into pure joy. The magic began. I grabbed Ada's hand and I felt myself now like a little girl too. A very happy girl.

Nathaniel Forest

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« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2025. 01. 31. - 21:32:39 »

Attending our
very first concert

He haven’t seen Elfelda for a while. Of course that Witch was always on her way somewhere, she lives almost bigger social life than he, the big author with a lot of foundations and with an absolutely big company. But, the true is that he felt hisself very lonely at the last some months, after Ada went to the Hogwarts. She is in Ravenclaw, of course, her little princess is smarter and more diligent than everybody who his know. Of course he is really proud to his beautiful and talented daughter.

He was really happy, when Elfelda invited them for a magical christmas piano concert. Ada can’t practice that much in the school, than she wants. Honetly, the writer know it well, he treated a little bit too kindly that girl. She got almost everything, what she wants, and maybe it’s harder in the school now, that she isn’t the only princess in that world anymore. Buti t seems, she is alright, and she is happy. And always that is the only thing what is matter. Safe, health and happiness.

Nat usually have a little, ’I can wear anything, I’m a famous author.’ attitude. But in this time, he wears a really elegant suit. And Ada… She isn’t just elegant. She is stlyish. Is something what Nat couldn’t teach to her. It’s natutally in this little girl, maybe from her mother.

Ada has a big smile on her face, when she saw Elfelda, near to the cloakrooms. Nat was a little bit more shy. After their brake up, he still doesn’t know, how to think, about their relationships. They are better for friends, of course. But he felt that, he wasn’t good and honest with that beautifl and kind woman. And he is just still ashamed of himself.
- Really good to see you. – He said, and he gives, a little kiss on her cheeks, when they get closer. And he tries a little and warm smile too. – You look beautiful. – He tries a little compliment.

- Everything is fine, thank you. – Said Ada, with her perfectly beautiful and big smile on her face. She always thought about Elfelda like a big sister. She really needs one. And she is always so happy, when they are meet. – Do you know, than I’m int he Ravenclaw? – Start for a little proudly chat, while she just get Elfelda’s hand, and start to walk in the concert hall.
Nat just following them, as a big and elegant bodyguard.

When they found their seats, Nat started to be a little bit excited. He doesn’t really know a lot about this artist, or about music at all. But he when the hall started to be darker… He could feel the magi cin the air. And he could see that big smile on Ada’s and Elfelda’s face.
- It was a perfect idea. – He whispered, in Elfelda’s ear, while nodded a little to Ada. – Look! How happy is she…
After that, he just stay silent and enjoy the show with his heart and soul.

Elfelda Hall

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« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2025. 02. 03. - 21:51:31 »

Attending our very first concert



to: Ada & Nat

To be here and listening to this one of a kind music, made me that I am part of a family... Which feeling I didn't had in a longtime. Since my mother, Iris was in a mental health institute and Zoe was travelling across Europe with her new album, I felt my very own family falling to pieces. And now... this intimate moment made me so glad that I had to remind myself that is just for a short amount of time.
- I'm happy it turned out so well... I was hoping this... - smiled I at Nat, after he told me how good idea was to come here. For a wonderful hour I was filling up with this grateful feeling. The pianist, the lights and the show was incredible, Péter was even levitating with the piano above us during a song. I was watching him with pure admiration in my eyes, and I saw the same feeling reflected back from Nat and Ada's visages.
Then... in this perfect moment the pianist suddenly stopped to play and a magically amplified voice just spoke up from the walls.
- Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Unfortunately the concert is over now. You immediately need to leave the building. Please don't panic. We keep everything in control - then the voice silenced, and I was looking at Nat, in complete shock.
- For Merlin's sake... It seems serious. We need to leave the place as fast as we can...
Like other magically protected places, we couldn't disapparate from Royal Albert Hall either. It was a pity now, because we needed to wait as the big crowd was walking out the doors into the hall. People were trying to hurry, but the mass dwindled very slowly from our perspective. Now it was a big disadvantage that we sat so ahead.
I tried to smile at Ada encouragingly, but it was a forced gesture.
- Don't worry, everything will be alright! We will be out soon! - said I, while hoping she didn't realize that I was just as scared as the other guests. If there was one good thing in being famous, it was definetely that I didn't have to spend time in crowds like this often. I always hated when there were too many people around me. It made me feel claustrophobic.
I started to sweat and feeling nervous because of the nonsense situation, but the one thing I didn't expect is that things quickly can turn even wronger. And they did.
We heard a big noise of explosion from outside... and suddenly panic took the lead over everyone. Wizards and witches started to run, pushing each other towards the doors, and some spells was flying over the place, while the voice we heard before tried to calm dowen the crowd. Unsuccessfully.
- Please everyone keep calm! Don't rush out, take care of others! Everyone will get out the building in time! - said the voice, and then I saw that some wizards appeared at the doors, I was thinking that...
- They should be aurors... - told I to Nat, hurrying towards them and feeling hope again that everything will be alright. Then I realized...
- Nat! Where is Ada? I don't see her anywhere! Ada!
I was yelling her name loudly, while praying that Nat knows where she is, or that I will find her again in a sec in this chaos.

Nathaniel Forest

Az író

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« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2025. 02. 08. - 17:29:58 »

Attending our
very first concert

He is… he is just happy now. Nothing else. And this is so rare nowadays. He always has something to worry about. Yes, of course, he is a father and a boss. And this two big responsbility in his life, is his whole lives now. Nothong else. So he is really gladful for this moment now, and for Elfelda’s company. He can be just a man, just a normal man for some hours, while he can share his responsibility with someone else. Elfelda is a miracle in their life, someone who is the closest to be Nat’s partner. Someone who is a little bit more than friend, but less than anything else. Nat know is maybe a sad thing, But this is what he really needs now.

This event is perfect. Of course. Elfelda has a perfect taste in this type of cultural experiences. Nat didn’t surprised. This is everything what he was waiting for something, what Elfelda likes. So he really could just enjoy it. Feel the magic in every melody. Feel the moment when the pianist hit a key on the instrument. So magical.

But suddenly, everything is changed.
The pianist finished to play int he middle of the song. And a magic voice give instructions. Nat sighed one, before he looked to Ada and Elfelda. – I hate to be in a magic world sometimes… - Said it, but only for herself. He would be happy, if Ada doesn’t hear it. So he hopes it…
He just saw the panic in their eyes, but he is big enough to grab their hands, and try to go trhough on the crowed of the panicked people. He got used it. He always had to find the way out from the people around him. He was maybe too famous. He had a lot of problems from it, sometimes when he try to do his daily routine as well. So he is very confident, fast and strong. But he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, just try to go out in safe.

But he lost a hand. He could feel it, in that moment, when they hear an explosion from outside. The panic is increases. He can hear how some woman and children cries and how man shouted with each others. And he can’t feel a hand in his hand. He knew it, immediately, and he looks to Elfelda’s eyes.

- Ada! – Started to shout her little girl’s name. But he didn’t really think that it’s help. The concert hall is really noisy already. But he tries again. – Ada!

Now, he is in panic. Elfelda can see this on him easily. He looks like a mother bear in captive. He just start his way back, through on the people who wants to go out. He can’t thinking now clearly. While he grab some little girls hands, in hope, it maybe will be Ada. But they are not Ada. He grabs his wand, try to send a patronus. But he can’t focus well, and he still doesn’t really good to make spells. He stops. Look after Elfelda, because he realises, it would be good to don’t lost her.
- Ada! – Shouted the name again. But no respond again. And his panic is just bigger and bigger. – Where are you? 

Elfelda Hall

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« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2025. 02. 15. - 17:22:21 »

Attending our very first concert



to: Ada & Nat

To be honest, I hated the situation. I was planning to make this night a dream for Ada and Nat, not a nightmare. I was sweating hard in my elegant, silk dress, while we were searching for Ada. The state was total chaos, I realized, how nervous was Nat too, and I felt awful. This was absolutely my fault. I meant good, but it all turned put horrible, like always... when something was too important for me.
- I'm sorry Nat... - whispered I into his ear in this mess, hoping he would hear it. Then I counted silently to five, and decided to take some action. I had to find Ada quickly. There was no other option. I was pulled my wand from under my skirt, then I tried to make a patronus. That was one thing I was good in it. Even when we were attacked in the Rolling Stones, my magical swan was a big help for me.
- Expecto Patronum - said I loudly while concentrating on a happy memory with Ada. I thought about our first time in the Creature park together, when she saw a niffler for the first time in her life, and she was so mesmerized by him, that she even gave her necklace to him, just because she wanted him to be happy. The memory melt my heart even in this chaos, and to my relief, the spell worked. The swan appeared at once, and I asked him with hopes:
- Please find Ada and lead her back to us! Thank you!
The patronus flew elegantly and quickly across the hall, while I was grabbing Nat's hand unintentionally.
- We will find her! Hang on there! - pressed I shortly his hand to give him a little hope, than I let him go, because I didn't want him to feel awkward. For a second I had forgotten about our pars, but I couldn't be sure whether my phisical touch is disagreeable for him or not.
Anyhow, I was praying in myself to see my plan working. I was desperate to find her... my favorite girl in the whole world. Minutes passed as slowly as hours... The crowd seemed a little bit smaller, as we were waiting. I was breathing heavily while searching for her and the patronus with my eyes, and suddenly I saw them...
- For Merlin's sake! They are coming! They are coming Nat - shouted I gladly, while looking at the silver figure and a little girl walking next to it. I wished to end the nightmare for good...
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